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It's raining cats and dogs! And other Spanish weather expressions


***See blog post with same title for a more comprehensive explanation of these expressions

EnglishIt's cold out.    Spanish: Hace frío  




English: It's chilly / cool out.   Spanish: Hace fresco.



English: It's hot out.    Spanish: Hace calor.



English: It's sunny.   Spanish: Hace sol.



English: It's windy.   Spanish: Hace viento.



English: It's nice out today Spanish: Hace buen tiempo hoy.



English: The weather's bad Spanish: Hace mal tiempo.



English: It's raining Spanish: Está lloviendo (or: llueve).



English: It's snowing Spanish: Está nevando (or: nieva).



English: It's sunny SpanishEstá soleado (hace sol).



English: It's cloudy Spanish: Está nublado.



English: It's clear SpanishEstá despejado.



English: It's foggy (lit: there's fog/mist). Spanish: Hay niebla / neblina.



English: It's windy (lit: there's wind). Spanish: Hay viento 



English: It's pouring! It's raining cats and dogs!  Spanish¡Está lloviendo a cántaros!



English: It's so hot out! Spanish: ¡Ay,qué calor!



English: I'm sweating like a chicken! (yup, it's a thing)  Spanish: ¡Estoy sudando como un pollo!



English: I'm freezing!  Spanish: ¡Me estoy congelando!









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It's raining cats and dogs! And other Spanish weather expressions

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